Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Day 8 .....

Well one thing i have found is i am always a day behind in writing ha ha
Day 8 wow feels like day 88 ha ha
Looked at a house yesterday once again it was not for us ...i praise God he gives me discernment as soon as i sat out side  just knew No !!
Agggrrhhhh iam i being to fussy ...iam i confused ???
What is the lesson ??
I think i should maybe change the title of this blog to a LIFETIME CHALLENGE
I learned today that some things baffle me more than others
i also learnt that all that glitters is not Gold
I conquered wanting a pkt of chips while i wrote last night
I also conquered my laundry
I realise that the journey laid before me is not always going to be easy ...but iam strapped in for the  whole duration ..not giving up

1 comment:

  1. Woo hoo! Celebrating small victories. Well done for not eating the chips & conquering laundry. Laundry and I are not friends :) YES! IT is a lifetime challenge. You are doing so well Deb. xo
